Sunday, September 7, 2008

Drunk Driving

Referring to Monday's yahoo news, you would realise that 2,577 drink drivers were caught for drink driving since just the start of the year! This would average up to around 10 drink drivers caught every day.

This statistics may goes to show that amongst us, there are many irresponsible who not only neglect their own safety, but also endanger the safety of others. Despite constant reminders to not drink drive by putting up ads through the media such as the newspaper and television, it does not seem to make any significant impact. From a psychological perspective, it seems that through this linear model of communication, viewers do not register this important responsibility in their mind. This perhaps got to do with their mental set of source and they not having experience in the consequences of drunk driving.

Teenagers are the main group that is responsible for the high number of drunk driving cases. Hence, I feel that there is a need to target the institution, in this case mainly the secondary schools, junior colleges and polytechnics, where these teenagers spend a large amount of the time in, to have the responsibility to educate them. As these adolescents are not matured enough to understand the effects of consequences, perhaps the one-way communication of informing them about the results of drunk driving will not be as effective then.

Besides that, perhaps the government and traffic police can organise talks to remind the community of the down-side of drunk driving, and through logos and pathos, hope that it will deter them from doing so. Parents can then also constantly remind and keep their children in check and play a part in the role of deterring drink driving.

Do you perceive drunk driving as being cool? Even if it is, I feel that we shouldn't do it at the risk of putting other's safety at danger and needless loss of lives on our road. These people are innocent, don't you think so? I certainly wouldn't like to be involve in one!


okrasandaubergines said...

I do not perceive drink driving to be cool. I'm one of the teenagers who parties regularly but I made it a point never to allow my boyfriend or any close friends of mine to drive when they had too much to drink. We usually cab or pay valets to drive us home.Hence I feel that peers, who usually hold a stronger influential power, should repeatedly advise their friends on this safety issue.

Even if a person can control his driving after consuming too much alchohol, it is not worth losing your license, being jailed or fine over such offence.

Jerome Yeo said...

i feel that drunk driving is very very irresposible, as much as many drivers think they are still able to concentrate after having a glass or two of alcohol, it is undeniable that our reaction have been depressed.

just a side note, did you know that in america u can actually choose to take a breathalyzer test or another test to see whether you are drunk or not? if u look at ur videos u wonder why the people are standing on one foot or walking on a line. they obviously tried to cheat the police officer and chose but fail the other test

k r i s t y . w said...

How can drink driving ever be cool!? It's dangerous as hell and super scary to be in the backseat of a car with a drunk driver.

But I have to admit, all these advertisements I've been seeing about drink driving are not effective at all. It's the same old, same old message about "Hey kids, drinking and driving is bad for you!". None of it really makes an impact. It is possible for linear communication advertisements to be effective, if only the psychological message behind the commercial is strong enough to pierce your consciousness. Persuasiveness is the key to helping change youth's perspectives to this problem.

buzz said...

the innocent lives lost, the freedom lost(being jailed), and the grief and regret comes. it is just not worth it.