Friday, September 12, 2008

Maggots and feathers in food. Raining rats in restaurant. What else?

Take a look at these:
Doesn't it makes you lose your appetite?

First, maggots in your sauce. Then, feathers in your chicken. What's next?

Rat's actually falling from ceiling of restaurant! Not one, but MORE THAN A DOZEN of baby rats.

These simply kills my appetite. I think that its just disgusting.

I think that the fact that such issues are actually mentioned, it gives people the perception that the hygiene standard in the prepartion of food and cleaniness of food outlets in Singapore. In just a short period, there isn't one, but at least three complaints about the quality of food and the cleanliness of the food outlets.

It seems to me that not much actions has been taken from the respective authorities. The batch of curry sauce affected from Mcdonald's has been called back. Is it really a case where someone tries to tamper with the sauce and let Mcdonald's reputation be be affected intentionally? Or was there issues with the food quality control over at Mcdonald's supplier's side? For this case, due to lack of evidence, we probably cannot just conclude there the problem lies with Mcdonald's curry sauce.

However, much as we can deny Mcdonald's responsibility in the issue of finding maggots in their curry sauce, what about the rats that fell from the false ceiling of one of the Mcdonald's branch? It just points out clearly that the required standard hygiene and cleanliness of the fastfood restaurant is not there. For this, I feel that NEA should take some actions against them and ensure that the same incident will not happen again. Also, NEA should re-emphasise the importance of having a clean cooking and dining environment at all times and alert stall holders to be mindful of these always, through multiple channels such as sending NEA personnel to remind them or introduce campaigns to further encourage them Imagine if NEA only takes action and investigate only after something serious happened just as in the case of a child who died from consuming poisonous milk powder mentioned in the news today. Wouldn't it be too late then?

Well, finding feathers in your chicken may not be as bad but I still wouldn't like it. It probably ruin my desire to eat the same food again without being cautious about possible feathers in it. I can't speak for others but for myself, whenever I go back to the same place, I can't help recalling the incident. Its just like a cognitive process in me, where my brain will choose to remember this particular issue unconciously. But, it wouldn't be as bad as finding rats falling from the ceiling and landing just inches beside me for sure. I swear if that happens to me, I wouldn't go back to the same outlet anymore unless there is really a need to.

Enough said, but do hope that it wouldn't happen to me. I'll probably faint to find ratS joining me for my lunch!


buzz said...

Eww... to think i have been so much in love with mac donalds french fries. and now that the exact restaurant that i usually frequent is raining rats, my passion for mac donalds food has now significantly decrease.

Now imagine that this incident of rats and hygiene problems happened during last month, olympic period.. Mac Donalds, being the main sponsor with their heavy load of advertisement on buses, local television and cinemas. even those olympic cups may not be enough to woo customers back.

okrasandaubergines said...


i guess we never really know what goes on in the kitchen do we?

that is why i always prefer home-cooked food.. and IF i even go out to eat.. i'll hang around to watch the cook cooking my meal, honest!!

Jerome Yeo said...

Hey Joyce

i agree that we need to increase on hygiene habits. sometimes i go around hawker stalls. and im appalled by how dirty the place is. remember a few years ago where ther government went around "grading" these stores? i wonder whether they are still doing it. because i feel that the standard has dropped tremendously.