Sunday, September 28, 2008


I'm sure by now, most people would have heard of the Singapore blogger whom allowed her previous boyfriend to take nude photos of her.

If you hadn't, this is the aricle.

The different perception they have towards this issued was mainly the first factor which had lead to their break-up. It is obvious that a satisfactory solution was not found even as their differences began to amplify. Their differences in their priority, for the girl she just wanted her privacy back while her boyfriend is only concern about the profits that he had made from allowing netizens to view her photos, has lead to the blogger's frustration to escalate (dyadic process).

As her boyfriend constant refusal to talk and discuss about the issue, indicating his desire to avoid communication and interaction with her, using negative identity management, it eventually led to the termination of their relationship.

At this resurrection process stage, both parties has already cut off all connections with one another and her boyfriend has already changed his number. Also, it seems that the blogger bemoans over this issue.

By now, her perception that of thinking that it is usual for a couple who is in love to have private moments, in this case her nude photos, would have changed. While technology progresses rapidly, her naive perception that digital cameras and handphone cameras are there for taking picture of almost anything, including her own nude photos to keep, has led her to become a prey of technologies.

Besides that, she should have known that these were against the laws in Singapore, whether or not the photos are publicised. Also, i feel that it is not necessary for them to take the photos so as to be able to share private moments between themselves personally. Things that you feel you would like to remember, endearing it in your heart is enough. If something is really important to you, you will not forget it, even if there are not photos. Perhaps, between this couple their relationship has progressed too fast, allowing little time for the experimenting and intensifying stage of the Knapp Model of Relational Development. Apparently, the girl has still not known her boyfriend well enough to be able to guess that her boyfriend would betray her one day in exchange for monetary gains. Prototypes of the guys would probably be developed by the public, labeling him as a jerk.

While this couple felt that having explicit and sexual photos of themselves taken and shared between themselves would perhaps, strengthen their relationship, I would beg to differ.

There are also other relational maintenance methods besides photo to share, that can improve and strengthen your relationship. For example, little surprises that my boyfriends gives me occasionally and many little things that he does for me to show that he love and cares for me, does indeed make me feel loved and so thankful to be with him!



Jerome Yeo said...

First and foremost i think she deserves it. in fact i think its not right to let someone take nude pictures of you. however, the boyfriend is also another A@@HOLE. no girl should ever have to face events like these. infact not human being should be violated to such extent.

Maybe we should start thinking of who we put our trust in.

joyce lim said...

As much as she deserves it, i think she allows her boyfriend to take her nude photos because she loves and trust her boyfriend enough. But it is sad that her boyfriend actually betrayed her trust and perhaps, feel that gaining monetary benefits is more important compared to the love and happy times they had shared. I can't help but to think that she's stupid enough to actually let someone persuade her to take nude photos of herself and partly because she thinks it's a trend.
While it’s hard to know who will ever betray our trust in them, i think that this should deter us from giving those who deserved our trust. Trust, i feel, is a very important factor in a relationship. The basis of relationship is built on this. Without trust, then i feel that perhaps, there isn't any meaning to continue the relationship, where love is concerned.

Arare - Raj said...

I do not think it was love that made her allow her boyfriend to take pictures of her all over.

It think she was just being very young and immature at a certain time of her life.Being insecure she sought refuge in knowing people would be find her nude pictures "incredibly" interesting.Hell,I don't think she was even in love with the boyfriend herself.She has been always putting up nude pictures of her herself anyway.If my girl was doing that,I would be hightailing out of the relationship ASAP!

In short she was an attention seeking whore and she deserves everything she gets coming to her.I lol at her and hope other girls with a bit more intelligence and common sense can learn from this as well.

Stupid people deserve what they get.